Saturday, August 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Jared!

Hope you have a great day!!

1993 Birthday

A new bike!

Of course spankings were always a birthday tradition at our house!
Jared and Shawn as usual holding hands
Today is also your Grandparent Clark's Anniversary but in order to give them their own blog day I will recognize them tomorrow!


  1. Happy Birthday Jared.

    Its nice that spankings were given in the OUT house...brahahahaha

  2. Happy Birthday Jared!!!! Hope your day is fun and the coming year great.
    Love, Auntie & Uncle Tom

  3. Happy Birthday to my most favorite youngest!! Have a blast in the mountains with 1/2 the family and don't do anything I wouldn't do..... haha Love you!

  4. Happy Birthday, Jared. Hope you have a super day! ( Your mom sorta left things wide open for you, didn't she?? Just kidding! )

  5. Happy Birthday to our favorite 24 year old grandson in Charlotte. Hope you have a super day. We know you will have fun day. Love You.
