Sunday, September 8, 2013

Griffin Update September

Well kids as I said in yesterday's blog we had Griffin all day on Monday (Labor Day) and he really is starting to change.  He has lots of smiles, laughing, starting to try to crawl and many other cool things he can do now.

I always tease Taylor that if Griffin is within 5 miles of her she can sniff him out and Monday was no different!  She came over and waited for him to wake up from his he mysteriously woke up is still open for debate!



  1. Ohhh now it makes sense lol 😜

  2. Oh, my! Griffin is growing so fast!!! He is so adorable I understand why Taylor has baby radar.

  3. How can you not love that face....looks like you all had fun!

  4. Great pics for great memories! Totally adorable. Henry, you didn't feed Griffin??? Costa Rica chair still looks good, too.

  5. OMG Gerry...Henry feed a baby:-( Not unless he is forced to. Grif is just too adorable. I can see why Taylor is always hugging him. How is Grandma H going to manage being away from him for so long. Great pictures and so much fun seeing how everyone is enjoying our adorable great grandson. We miss him.

  6. How can one little guy melt so many hearts? He's beyond cuteness, absolutely precious! We had so much fun and I get him all day Tues! I bet we'll have a visitor after school gets out!! Stephanie doesn't have to go in until noon, so maybe she'll stop by before work!
