Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Crib & Highchair are back!

Well kids you go through different stages in your life and certain milestones you never forget...well one of those for me was when we could finally put all that baby stuff in storage!  Don't forget with 4 kids in 51/2 years it seemed like we would never get rid of this stuff.

Well anyway your mother bugged me enough that several months ago one Saturday that Sean came over I asked him to help get it out of the a reminder this is what happened when I put the stuff in the attic.

BTW this happened the first weekend we moved in!

So from there it sat in the laundry room until last weekend.  See now Griffin is scooting around and eating baby food so your mother said enough is enough and we are doing it this weekend.

We (she) had a lot of cleaning to do on it and it was hot outside doing these are not the most glamorous pictures of us but it is what it is.  Once we (she) got everything cleaned up I put it together in the front spare room.  We had a little adjusting to do around the crib area so Griffin couldn't grab anything but not too much.

Notice the teeth marks on the end from you kids

Your grandfather Hagadorn would have been proud...I put this together with no instructions

The pictures were a nice touch but once Griffin started throwing them across the room we decided they better come out of the crib

Notice Stephanie and Ryan in the little picture

From there it was off to Wal-Mart to buy a new mattress...Mom was ok with the old crib which by the way all 4 of you used but she said we had to get a new mattress.  Of course with a new mattress you have to get new sheets and new bumper guards.  Then the selection wasn't  too good there so we had to go to Target and it really wasn't much better.   We (she) found a couple things and back to the house we went.

Ryan and Dee had suite tickets for the last Knight's baseball game on Monday in Fort Mill so we said we would watch Griffin while they went to the game.  The pictures below is his first nap in the crib.

Griffin seemed to do fine and we had a fun day hanging out with him...which you will see in tomorrow's blog.  BTW  I was kidding about him throwing the pictures, your mother wouldn't dare let him have that kind of fun!


  1. Good for you guys for saving everything...I did also BUT the bats came in and poo'd on everything so off to the garbage it goes. Glad you all had a good time!

  2. Now you are officially ready to be grandparents. We saved our stuff also but once the grandkids were done with them they went out. I am sure a 53 year old crib wouldn't meet the standards of today. Looks like Grif enjoyed his new crib. He is a cutie.

  3. And your father was very impressed that you did it without instructions.
