Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandpa Clark!

Hope you have a great day!!

Can you pick out your grandfather?  He will have to tell in the comment section.


  1. I knew it was you...Grandpa's beat Aunt's any day of the week! Have a great birthday!

  2. OH the picture looks like the show Little

  3. Sandy, you are right on. We were little rascals and I am the littlest rascal on the far right. Taken about 1944-45 tagging along with big brother who is on the far left.

  4. Happy happy birthday Larry. We hope you have a super day and I picked you out right away. You all looked like the little were you really one Larry :-) Enjoy your special day and you too Sandy.

  5. Happy Birthday Larry & Sandy!!!!!!! Hope you both have great days. Larry, was that you holding Griffin for 5 seconds?

  6. Dad, you responded too fast for me--I truly did pick you out, but I thought that was Uncle Dick standing next to you. At least I knew my own dad! Can't wait to see you and celebrate your almost 3/4 century birthday!
