Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our House-Backyard Then & Now

Now the backyard has gone through a few changes over the years...

First there was this

 Then there was my Father's Day Present

Then there was your Mother's Birthday Present

And now there is this!


  1. Everyone made the backyard even better.....now if you could just install a keyless entry pad so Barb can't lock herself out you will be all set!

  2. Right on Sandy. We all love and enjoy your antics Barb :-) I thought the yard look awesome before but have to admit it is AWESOME now. Love the new patio. You should be so pleased.

  3. Have to agree with the ladies. What a fun place!

  4. Sure was fun creating all the areas, well, back breaking too, but fun! Only foresee we need the pool and stone retaining wall to finish our oasis!!
