Thursday, September 26, 2013


Well kids to finish up the week of the house I thought I would tell you about our HOA...Home Owners Association.  HOA's are like Dale Earnhardt Sr. fans...people either loved him or hated him but once he was gone everyone missed him!  The same holds true for HOA's...I personally love them and it was a factor in buying our house on the other hand your Grandfather Clark hates them so we always have a spirited conversation about it.  His usually ends with "tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine"!  You can fill in the real words.

Now I will admit that there are some goofy rules you have to hide your trash can so it can't be seen from the street but overall most of the rules I love. 

Our HOA fees are $17.50 per month or $210 per year.  For that someone takes care of all the common areas, the grass in the common areas, the swimming pool and the club house.  The club house used to be free but now they charge $25 to use it and we have hosted everything from birthday parties, anniversary parties, rehearsal dinners to male strippers for a bachelorette party...Stephanie!

It also makes sure that things don't get all junked up around the neighborhood.  We don't have a bunch of cars parked in the street, people can't store boats and motorhomes in their driveways, you have to get permission to build things like sheds, patio's and such, they make sure people's houses stay up to standard so it helps improve your house values...although if you are like me and never plan on moving again the house value doesn't really matter.  Bottom line is you won't find an orange one of these in our neighborhood! 

BTW since most of you haven't been to the cabin in years your grandfather does have an orange container in his yard at the cabin and he is always asking me what our HOA would think of it in our backyard...

On the flip side you do get some nasty notes from time to time like the one listed below! 

One problem that we have in our neighborhood is the second entrance and the new section roads won't pass NC State inspection so if something happens like a sink hole it will become our (neighborhood) problem.  Some of you might say that the road is fine take your chances but if the state pushes it they are not supposed to run school buses on non approved or private roads but more importantly the snow plows won't clear the roads either.  Well on September 7th just like the president did the board called for a special meeting to vote on the will cost every homeowner $175 and then the roads will be right and the state will take them over.  In order to pass they had to have 181 "yes" votes and only 161 households showed up.  So several of the women left to rally some neighbors to attend.  They did a great job presenting and several people that planned on voting no were swayed.  In the end we were able to keep the voting open till 11:59 pm but at 11pm your mother read on our neighborhood site that it had passed...185 yes votes to 4 no votes!

Long live HOA's!!


  1. I think NYers call that taxes!!! But our HOA - is like Duck Dynasty's - cars, boats, garbage can be anywhere and everywhere. In the end its really who you know. NOW about the weeds....if I couldn't have weeds then I'd be in trouble because I can't afford I just let the weeds fill them in and pretend I paid for them!

  2. Wow, that is one pretty shipping container. We only bought the 20ft one up here, but if had it to do over again one of those 40ft beauties would fit in nicely. A little camouflage paint and would be an asset to the neighborhood. I did get the two old jeeps and camping trailer hauled out and that helped a little. Anything to beautify the cabin area I always say.

  3. You should have replied, they are not weeds they are flowers that don't bloom till the fall, like mums.
    As for the streets, you do not have any children in school so you don't need those noisy school bus's on your street.
    As for snow plows, THERE AREN'T ANY IN THE SOUTH, so fixing something you will NEVER use, even if you need one, is just a waste of money!!!!

  4. Need I say more after those comments. Good thing we don't have a HOA here. We have a guy who has so many weeds and overgrown trees that it looks like a jungle and far as I know, no one says anything to him. You better get going on your weeds before the HOA police ring your door bell :-)

  5. I wish we had a HOA then maybe my neighbors house wouldn't look like he was having a 24/7 yard sale!!!!!
