Friday, September 27, 2013

Chicago-Navy Pier

Well kids as you know your mother and I spent last week in the great state of Illinois...pronounced without the s but if you want to have fun pronounce it with the s and you will hear plenty of people correct you...starting with your mother!

Anyway we flew into Midway Airport on Saturday morning early with no issues, rented a car and headed to the Navy Pier.  Now just to warn you we took 947 pictures for the week so I will be sending out a lot of different blogs detailing our trip and since there are so many pictures I would suggest that you click on the pictures so you can see them in full size...there were some amazing sites!

So the plan was to site see, go to the race, visit with your grandparents Hagadorn, Uncle Dave, the Knowlton's, Chris/Robin, Clark cousins and Carol/Joe.  Enjoy the pictures and I will try to keep the comments to a minimum.

On the plane

First stop was some Chicago deep dish pizza at Connie's...the only place the entire trip where the service wasn't very friendly.

Look you know what this is?

At the end of Navy Pier

They had a stain glass museum that Grandma Clark would have loved!

The Ferris Wheel never stops and just moves at a slow pace so as the bucket comes to the platform you just climb on and climb off.

Across the street in the park

Downtown Chicago from the end of the pier

Meeting up with Grandma and Grandpa Hagadorn, Uncle Dave and the Knowlton's

We thought for a little while that this was the boat that was going to take us on the Architecture tour which had your grandfather nervous about sea sickness but it was a different one that you will see another day! 

Leave it to Uncle Dave to photo bomb a picture not once but 3 times!


  1. Cool pictures - I think I only went through about 200 of Grandma's. BUT she didn't have some of what you did!

  2. Looks fun! And that pizza looks amazing!

  3. Can't believe we forgot to try their pizza. We will enjoy seeing your pictures since we were with you most of the time. We thought Chicago was great except for the crazy lady who cut us off on Friday night at the Navy Pier and then jumped out of the car crying and screaming and had one shoe on and a husband yelling at her. We quickly got in our car and left them fighting it out :-) I guarantee you will all enjoy the pictures. Some amazing places to see in Chicago.

  4. Hard to believe my amazing daughter-in-law would correct you.
