Friday, October 11, 2013

Chicago-Misc Pictures

Well kids I'm sure by now you are bored to death of our trip but that's the way it goes.  We had a great time and as I always say...."good to go and good to be back"!!

As usual we fit in a lot of activities and it was especially nice to be able to share these with some great friends and family.

Work hard and save your money so when you get old like your mother you can enjoy some great trips too...the Robinson's just came back from a great trip to San who knows what next year may bring??

 Amish Restaurant we ate lunch at

See the little girl peeping over the back

Amish Grocery store...your mother bought so much Carol had to ship it back to us!!
Gummi Fried Eggs??

Little Amish Shops in downtown Arthur

We quickly realized that without Carol's direction Joe might not have made it this far in I bought her this magnet to remind her to be nice to Joe.

Stained Glass

There were lots of cats on this trip...Carol has 3 and Chris has 2!! 
Giant Twinkie painted on this bus in Chicago

Lots of "Clark" things this trip
Uncle Dave being Uncle Dave

They had these great gliders in Arthur...Very cool

Carol wanted this for her Face Book...we haven't changed much since 1980 have we?
Again I have to say I think we look the same as we did back then...nice shorts!

Home Sweet Home!!!

Thanks again everyone for a great trip and make sure Chicago is on your Bucket List!! 


  1. Great pictures to end another trip. On to the next one :-) I hope everyone is enjoying these as much as we are. Thanks Henry.

  2. BTW Gummi Fried Eggs....only you Barb would buy those. I take it they are candy??
