Saturday, October 12, 2013

Robinson Pool Party

Well kids one of the great things about living in NC is our weather and last Sunday was one of those days!  The Robinson's called on Friday to see what we were doing and at the time your grandparents travel plans had changed so we were in.

The plan was to swim a little, watch the race a little and watch the Panthers but we started off in the pool and it was so nice we never left the pool.

Behind your mother's head is the hot tub that over flows into the pool

When Tom's Dad Joe arrived the ladies were giving him a hard time about wearing a Speedo so he taught them a lesson or at least gave them an image that they will never forget!!


 Soon we moved inside to get a bite to eat and as you will see most of us had too much sun which made us act a little goofy!
Mom and Kevin...who was home for the weekend from ECU


Not sure if you remember but last year Tom went on an alligator hunt and killed this beauty...well now it is stuffed and in the lodge.  Of course now everyone wants to see if they can get a head or leg or some kind of body part in the gator's mouth!


Well as things wound down we took a couple group pictures said our good byes and swore that we needed to do this more often!


 Kevin is 6'5" tall...Clarissa is not!
Great time, great friends, great pool and a Sunday afternoon that we all needed!!  Thanks again Tom and Clarissa


  1. That is a beautiful house and backyard. Looks like everyone had a great time!! You know they have to be good friends for the women to be in bathing suits together!!

  2. Great pictures. I have been dying to see the pool so glad you got some super picturea of it. Nice backyard and pool Tom and Clarissa. Great group pictures....what a dude you are Joe :-) Glad to see Tom's parents ...really looking good. Say hi to them for us Tom. Looks like everyone had a super time but then again when does this group not have a good time. Great friends and great times.

  3. You said the sun made you you think maybe it was the beer???? I know back when that crowd was still in Vestal, that is what did it to you then.
