Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chicago-The Pumpkin Patch

Well kids on Friday we headed to a town called Arthur, IL.  Arthur is home to a very large population of Amish and what some might call the most famous pumpkin patch in the country...yup those some are Carol!

Today's blog is all about the pumpkin patch and then Friday will be the last of our trip!

Tons of huge Mums
Furry little chickens??

Amish horse and buggy in background

This was on the grounds and the one below is the year they built it at the White House

Carol wanted Joe to do this in their backyard but I don't think he had any interest in that

One room schoolhouse
There were several of these throughout the place

Noah's Ark...2 of every kind of pumpkin

They do a different t-shirt every year

Miles and Miles of pumpkins...of course your mother made us go get our picture and it was very muddy...
They have been on Martha Stewarts show too

Carol had to get a wagon even though she only got 2 little pumpkins
Fun time and I imagine that little kids go crazy over this place.  Luckily for me we went when they were in school still so I didn't have to hear, see or deal with them!!!  


  1. Hail to the Pumpkin King and Queen. Only Carol would find a fun place like that for all of you to visit. Way to go Carol :-) It really looks like a neat place. Sad that you missed all those fun kids Henry!! You sure had a great time with the Robertson"s. Great pictures again .

  2. Because Barbara made you go in that mud, then it is only fair that she cleans your shoes, or you could do like your mother would, throw them away and buy 2 new pair.
