Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Chicago-Abraham Lincoln's Presidential Library

Well kids on Thursday we headed to Springfield, IL to visit Abraham Lincoln's Presidential Library.  This is only the 2nd presidential library we have ever been to...we also went to JFK's.

We started with a quick bite to eat and a walk around town.

 There are lots of Abe Lincoln things all over town

This is the old State Capitol building

 The new State Capitol Building

 From there it was off to the library!

Outside of the library

 They had wax figures of the Lincoln family in the lobby area...does anyone remember the stories about his kids?
There were two main exhibits in the library...this one was his beginnings from living in a log cabin through being elected to the House of Representatives.  I actually like this exhibit better than the White House one.

This was the White House exhibit.


They also had two short films to watch and both of them were very good.  They allowed you to take pictures in the lobby area but not once you went into the actual exhibit so that's why I don't have any from the inside.  One of the cool things they did have in the White House was Tim Russert on a TV giving a commentary about the Lincoln election results.  They even had the headlines going across the bottom of the screen and they were all about things from that time frame.  In case you don't know Tim Russert covered the elections for NBC news until he unexpectedly died of a heart attack at age 58.  The lady in the museum said that this was filmed right before his death and he really didn't want to do it so they feel very lucky to have it.
Tim Russert Gets His Own Highway

From the library we set out to see his tomb.  This was in the local cemetery and placed on a big plot of land.  His wife and kids are all in the tomb with him except for one son who is buried in Arlington because his wife insisted on it. 

In case you are wondering...it is a tradition that you rub Lincoln's nose and you can see it is worn

Lincoln is inside here...
Born 1809-Assinated 1865
A fun day and certainly worthy of the Bucket List!

1 comment:

  1. Wow not only great pictures but looks like a fabulous thing to see. Definitely on my bucket list of things to do. But first I want to go to Bush's Library in TX
