Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chicago-The Race

Well kids we have added another track to our list by attending the race at Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet, IL.  There are 23 tracks on the circuit and your grandfather and I have been to 16 of them, Mom 13 and grandma 11 so we are well on our way to seeing them all.

This time was one that we always hope doesn't happen to us...rain delay!  We have been in some small rain delays before and one time in Charlotte where they ran the race on Monday...which your grandfather never let's me forget because we had to listen to it on the Bose Radio!

But anyway we arrived at the track at 10:30am, walked around and then the race started about an hour late from a morning rain.  Two big storms came through and we had another 5 hour delay...long story short we left the track just after midnight!

The track is just like Charlotte and our seats were under the suites so we stayed pretty dry throughout the rain but it got cold and we froze.

We had to wait to see if your mother won a Kasey Kahn hat

And they call us rednecks in NC??
Mom doing Simon Says...to win a poster?

We had great seats right at the start/finish line!

 By the end of the night this is what we looked like


  1. From the amount of people around you at the end of the night maybe you all should have used MORE deodorant!!!

  2. Love the shirt, Barb! Go Jimmie!!! We were thinking about you during the rain delays. Yuk. Congrats for staying to the end.

  3. Somehow we lived through it and didn't freeze to death. Nice track, too bad about the rain. That will teach you southerners to come in shorts!!! You should have put the picture of David with his souvenir shirts over his legs to keep warm. Another priceless moment. This is the 2nd time we near froze Knowltons at a race. Remember Dover? I am sure they wont forget. Great day for all.

  4. It was NOT a BOSE radio, it was a cheap Ford radio!!!!
