Saturday, October 5, 2013

Chicago-Speed Zoo

Well kids after we left Goose Island restaurant we wanted to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo but we also wanted to leave the city by 4:30pm to beat the traffic.  This gave us about 1 hour to see the zoo and that's how we came up with the name...speed zoo.

You shouldn't need a lot of explanation about these pictures...I hope.


The rhino above is the Dad of a new baby who was introduced to the world earlier that day...the employees first, then the media and then the zoo visitors.  By the time we got there Mom and baby were back inside taking a nap.


  1. Great pictures. Wish we could have gone but no time. Barb, you look a little "Aussie" with your scarf. Were you going kangaroo hunting:-). Glad you made it there

  2. Wooohoooo - way to show a little skin

    Did this zoo smell like most of them do??
