Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chicago-Clark Cousins in Springfield

Well kids on the way to Carol's house we stopped in Springfield, IL to visit your mother's cousins and Uncle Dick.  Sheryl and Jana live in the area, Donette works in the area, Jeanie and Uncle Dick drove up from Gillespie.

We met at an Applebee's for lunch but Uncle Dick had a doctor's appointment so we met him at Sheryl's house.

 Sheryl, Jana, Jeanie, Donette, Mom, Me
Sheryl's house

She has a great place on the lake!

 Sheryl, Mom, Jeanie

Uncle Dick (Grandpa Clark's brother) and Jeanie

Uncle Dick, Jeanie and Sue
Hey Grandpa Clark your big brother is texting and has a smart phone...just saying.  Although at one point he had the camera turned backwards and was trying to look through the lens so when I looked over all I saw was a giant eyeball in the screen!

 I think Sheryl has a little Hagadorn in her because she loves beer as much as we do!

On the way out we stopped to see Jana's house.  Her husband Mike took 10 months off work and built it himself!  The house was very nice and had lots of cool features and decorating.  They live off the road on 15 acres so they have a warning alarm when someone drives in their driveway so they can see who is coming...pretty cool.
Fun day, fun company, beautiful houses and Sheryl thanks again for the beer or two or three....?


  1. Gosh, Uncle Dick sure is a handsome and stately looking young man. Guess he got all the good looks in the family. Nice photos of the cousins and we always have a great time when visiting with them. Now if Sheryl would just buy some good beer, then maybe we would top by her house more often.

  2. It's great that you had time to do that. The house on the lake is Barb was envious of that!

  3. Wow, Jeanie and Cassie look a lot alike. Glad you got to visit with family. Looks like a fun time. Lake house is really nice. I am sure they enjoy that.

  4. This was such a great visit! Haven't seen anyone in forever! We do get to communicate via Facebook, thank goodness and know that will pick up more now. The welcome was extended to NC, so hope some take us up on it! Sheryl, Dave's crazy to think about moving, you've got the best spot In Il I saw!
