Friday, October 18, 2013

Good Bye Grandma & Grandpa Clark

Well kids after an action packed summer it is time for your grandparents to start making their way back to Arizona!  As you know we all got together on Wednesday night for one last dinner which took place at Hawthorne's in Mint Hill.  Ryan already had some plans so he wasn't able to make it but everyone else showed up to wish them safe travels.


They are stopping in Alabama at the RV factory to have some work done on their slide out and to get a new TV installed and then will slowly make their way out west.

Safe travels!


  1. Thanks for all the good wishes and fun send-off! We made it to Bremen GA & will be continuing on shortly. Had to take time to check out the blog & POD first! Miss all of you already!

  2. Looks like everyone gave Larry and Gerry a noisy and fun send off. Have a great winter in AZ. Great pictures of all. Miss everyone.
