Saturday, October 19, 2013

Joy's Wedding

Well kids it is a couple weeks late but Stephanie's and our family friend Joy was married to Perry 8 years ago this month!  Stephanie and Joy were great friends all through high school and still to this day have a special relationship!

Now this blog is going to start off kind of crazy but that is the way these two were in high school and now that they are older and married they will probably kill me for posting some of these photo's but as they say in the grown up world...shit happens and most likely alcohol was involved!!

The weekend started with a party at the clubhouse...ok a bachelorette party!  I am not sure how I ended up with these pictures and I am only posting a couple but I will take bribes for the others!

Guess what is getting ready to happen...BTW that is not the groom on Joy's lap!
The clubhouse will never be the same but don't tell the HOA or we might get another letter!

I would love to lie to you and tell you that this was some woman I didn't know but it's your mother!

Maybe last night wasn't such a good idea after all

Baby face Sean and big sister Stephanie

The bride with her Mom & Dad

Both of them look so young!

 Probably my 2nd favorite family photo!

Oh yea Stephanie is going to kill me over this one! 

Well it ended up being a great wedding and we all had a blast helping Joy and Perry celebrate.  We don't get to see them as much anymore but they are always welcome and fun when they do show up!  It's great to have life long friends...even if they are your kids friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow great but intimidating pictures. Way to go Joy and Stephanie. Always loved Joy. Happy Anniversary Perry and Joy. Enjoy your special day.
