Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Race Weekend-The Race

Well kids after the tailgate we headed over to the track...luckily no one really wanted to look at the trailers so we didn't have to leave super early.  This time most of the trailers were on the track side of the road so we did end up seeing a couple of them.

Mom scored some tickets right at the start/finish line but they were in row 9...but there were no 1-4 rows so we were actually in row 5.  Kind of cool to be that close but hard to watch the entire race...we couldn't see anything coming off turn 2 and they were so fast down the front stretch it was just a blur...but free is free so we will take it!

 Tom and Darlene...unfortunately a Jimmie Johnson fan!

Mom and Darlene wanted a picture that showed both Jimmie Johnson and Kasey Kahn

 From our seats during the driver introductions

This was a really cool appeared from the distance it was a B2 Bomber or something with a wide wing span but then when it went over you could see it was individual planes flying in a formation!

Bad Brad wins the race!
After the race we went back to the RV and waited till about 12:30am for the traffic to clear out and then headed to the house.  Sunday Ryan came over with Griffin and ate breakfast with us, then Tom and Darlene left around 1pm.  Grandma and Grandpa Clark were walking in as they were walking out so quick good-byes and they were off.
Thankfully a quiet afternoon of football and a great dinner.  We were all pretty tired after a couple nights of going to bed after midnight so your grandparents left around 9 and we went straight to bed!
Good weekend, good company, bad race results and now it's time to relax some.


  1. I LOVE Free stuff....its really all I can afford...hahahahaha

    Looks like everyone had a great time!

  2. Henry, your last sentence says it all!
