Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Race Weekend-Tailgating

Well kids we decided that since your Grandparents always go to everyone else's houses it would be nice to spend the afternoon at the RV and tailgate there.  As you know they always park by the track and since the race attendance was low the owner gave them the same rate as non race weekends.

So Saturday afternoon around 2pm we showed up with our adult beverages and your grandmother took care of the rest!  She put on a big spread of snacks and we hung out all afternoon.  Around 4pm Grandpa threw on some burgers and dogs and they were ready in no time.  We drove the truck over so he put the grill on the tail gate so it was literally a true tailgate!  As an added bonus your Grandmother made some kind of secret recipe potato wedges...I say secret because your mother nor her sister had had them before!



We cleaned up real quick and grandpa dropped us off at the corner and off to the races we went!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun time. Dar where was your "48" shirt?? You are the biggest JJ fan I know so tell Tom to buy you a shirt at the next race. Tailgating looked like fun and hope the rest of the evening was fun also. Have a great week everyone.
