Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Catherine's Visit-Day 2

Well kids believe it or not both your mother and Catherine woke up with little issues this morning.  Of course I had to fill in a few blanks here and there so they could have a good old laugh to kick off the day. 

One thing that these two like to do on Sunday mornings is drink Mimosas and today was no different.  Catherine brought us some world famous Smith's Red & White sausage which is one of our favorites.  Ryan, Griffin, Hannah & Jared all came by for breakfast and a little relaxing around the was another perfect NC weather day so we ate outside on the patio.


From there we went to Ryan's house to show Catherine and Hannah then off to Stephanie & Shawn's house for another fabulous dinner.

Stephanie had to work Sunday so everyone beat her there and Shawn entertained us along with the Panther's game on in the garage and the race on in the house...oh yea did anyone hear who won the race??!!

Coming home from a workday of making babies!
Soon the race was over and everyone moved inside to watch more football and eat some chicken...Shawn is like Jared and loves to cook.  They both like to use a smoker and actually Shawn has been sharing/teaching Jared all his cooking secrets!



As usual we can't end a gathering without a group picture.  Taylor went to the beach which meant we couldn't figure out how to set the timer AGAIN so I just took the picture!
Another great day with great company and great food!!  Thanks for visiting Catherine and we can't wait to see you again.


  1. Some great times and great pictures. Hannah and Catherine look so much alike; you got some beautiful pictures of them.

  2. For those of you not here, the weather was beyond AWESOME, it was PERFECT! We had such a wonderful time outdoors relaxing and enjoying everyone! Again, so very glad Henry & I decided to go with the outdoor "room"!! Griffin was his wonderful self and stole everyone's hearts....again! Shawn sure can cook and the sports entertainment was a big plus to an already fabulous afternoon/evening! Go JIMMIE, way to go Kevin & the Panthers!! Can't wait to see you again, Catherine--sure enjoyed the visit!

  3. What a great weekend you all had. So glad you are getting so much use of your outdoor room. Looks like everyone had a great time. Glad the weather cooperated...unlike our snow the past couple of days. Sure is cold here. Only 6 more months and it will go away and get nice again :-) No remarks from AZ Larry!!

    1. Liz, I know it's it bad form to kick people when they are down. However, it is in the mid 80s here and the a/c is on in the afternoon. Cool 60s at night and window open for nice breeze to lull us to sleep.
