Saturday, November 9, 2013

Guest Blogger-State Fair

Hey y’all, this is Taylor sending greetings from the North Carolina State Fair!

A couple of weeks ago Steph, Shawn, Sean and I joined Jared & Hannah in Raleigh for everybody’s (except for Hannah) first trip to the State Fair.  The morning started out a little gloomy and rainy, Steph and I were a little worried and sad, but we didn’t let the weather get in the way of the fun weekend ahead!
Once we all met up at Hannah’s house the sun came out and it was time to take a celebratory shot and hit the road!
Now for some people it may be the bright lights, the rides, the enormous award winning vegetables or animals that draw them to the fair but for this group it is the delicious, greasy, deep fried food.  So that’s where we began, eating our way from one deep fried item to the next.  The below picture says it all.


I don’t know if y’all heard in the news about one of the fair rides being tampered with by a fair employee, stand up people by the way, and resulting in 6 injuries after a malfunction.  These are the type news story that kept most of our group from riding any rides, but not me and Jared.  While Steph and Shawn might live life to fullest by jumping out of planes, Jared and I ride fair rides together.  I can’t remember the name of the ride we rode but it’s the one that spins you in circle and the pressure lifts your body off the ground, not one for you Grandpa Hagadorn.  Steph and Shawn rode the Ferris wheel but otherwise we all kept our 2 feet on the ground and visited the animals and prize winning vegetables before leaving with the sick feeling of too much junk food.

I would say that we all enjoyed our first trip to the State Fair but who wouldn’t enjoy bright lights, fried food and best friends!

Until next time we all send our love!





  1. I've lived in Maryland, Virginia, and now North Carolina, but I've never been to any of their State Fairs! However, I have been to Illinois State Fair...maybe twice! It was a great time as a kid with my cousins and I remember it fondly. Which makes me wonder why we never took the kids....except that the county fairs were a financial disaster with 4 children! So glad you finally made it no thanks to your parents! Looks like you had a blast, great pictures, smiling faces and much better weather than predicted! Thanks Taylor!

  2. I love guest blogs....this is a good one Taylor!! We have been to the many small fairs, state fair and I find them boring actually. BUT thanks to Grandpa Hagadorn I have terrible motion sickness (so no rides) and I am to fussy to eat the food BUT I agree the lights are always pretty!! Glad you all went and love that all of you are BFFs.... Miss You All!!!

  3. You are correct, I CAN NOT ride those rides without being sick, but I CAN NOT stand close to a spinning ride for the same reason!!! It is just wonderful to live in this decrepit body.

  4. Great pictures and looks like you all had a super time. You guys sure have a good time together. Love it. We used to do the fairs and even though the rides were taboo, we still had a lot of fun. Thanks for the great blog Taylor. Hugs to you and Sean
