Friday, November 8, 2013

Backyard Halftime

Well kids last Saturday at halftime of the State/UNC game we went out back to see all the clearing out that Sean & Taylor were doing.  Sean has been cutting down trees trying to make enough room for a 2 tier flat backyard! 

He has done a ton and there was wood stacked high.  The first two photo's are from 2010 when they moved in.

Pool is gone

Left side along the street
Looking up at the house...they still haven't decided what they want to do on this level.

Both Sean & Jared have very "active" dogs so when you are outside with them they go constantly especially if you will throw them a toy.  Franny likes to catch the Frisbee and River likes a tennis ball.  Of course you can count on them getting into the water also.

Jared throwing the Frisbee and River chasing the ball

The backyard is shaping up nicely but it's a good thing that Eddie has some heavy equipment because it is going to take some work to finish this project!


  1. WOW - you guys are doing great on the house. I can't wait to see future pictures as things progress. Which dog is on crack again? or do both have crack addictions now?? lol

  2. I like the way Jared matches his light blue shirt with his jean shorts and black socks!! You make me proud

  3. Wow they sure have done a lot and it looks great. Keep up he good work Sean and Taylor. Nice pictures of everyone.

  4. The layout of the backyard reminds me so much of our Chesterfield house. What fun we had...when the ticks weren't around! A perfect day to throw the toys around and watch the "very active dogs" loose some of their energy! I can't wait to keep seeing/watching the updates and see the backyard in the making.
