Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

Well kids I gathered all the pictures that everyone sent me from this year's Halloween season and decided that I better take some of the neighborhood kids too!


Mom handing out candy
Griffin's first Halloween
Black Eye Pea

Let your imagination figure this one out!

Carolina Foods Crew...I worked from home yesterday

 Below are the neighborhood kids

Great outfits and cool kids

Cool Wolfpack Wolf

Teenage Ninja Turtles


  1. Jared & Hannah's costumes are electrifying! Neat. Black Eye Peas was a good one also and it was neat seeing Griffin in his first Halloween costume.

    Nice blog today.

  2. Great pictures...loved the plug and socket. Great idea. Grif is adorable. We spent the day at the hospital and gee, everyone was dressed as doctors and nurses. Go figure :-) Sandy's therapy gal did have a construction vest and hard hat on. She works on the 6th floor and they are doing construction up there so she said they fit in well. Not as many kids this year so have a lot of candy left.
