Saturday, November 2, 2013

Guest Blogger-Hannah goes to Austin!

Austin, Texas y’all!

Well Hagadorn kids as you know Jared and I recently took a trip to Austin,TX with three of my friends from college (Go NC State!) to attend the Austin City Limits Musical Festival. We actually drove 23 hours to get there, yes we drove. I think we both decided we would never do that again as neither of us are scared of flying, however, it was definitely a great experience!  Our trip was five days long and in those five days we ate great food, listened to good music and consumed most likely too many alcoholic beverages.
 Our first night in Austin and of course we had to check out the bar scene!

Our first day at the musical festival we listened to some great bands and sweated a LOT! (Austin is closer to the sun...I swear by it)

 Finally! Our prayers had been answered and it began to rain while we listened/watched Queens of the Stone Age perform!



Before we entered the Sahara


After we entered the Sahara
We decided to douse ourselves in water and use this as a perfect photo op by the porter johns.

Despite the heat we still enjoyed ourselves and got as close as we could to listen to the group called Passion Pit as seen in the pictures below!


It stormed and rained so bad the whole night before that day three of the festival was cancelled. Of course we were disappointed but it gave us a chance to see more of the great city of Austin!

Jared’s first rickshaw ride and he was not impressed. Luckily our friends got a more “in shape” driver but we were not so lucky. I think our ride lasted a total of two minutes!


The next day we made the long trip back home exhausted and dreading going back to work. All in all it was an amazing trip and I definitely recommend making a trip to Austin (fly do not drive).



  1. Geez I guess I need to step it up with my blog lol....

  2. Great blog Hannah. Sounds and looks like you had a great trip despite the rain. We have been to Austin and it really is a nice area there. Next time you should fly...long drive. Thanks for the great blog of your fun trip. Hi to Jared also.
