Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Past-2000

Well kids this was one of those rare times that we traveled over Thanksgiving.  It was our first year in Charlotte and for the first time in a long time I was off the entire weekend so we headed to NY!


  1. I remember that year - it was great fun!

  2. I remember it too and it was fun. Always nice to have family here. Hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving tomorrow.

  3. Wow, 13 years ago! It seems like a lifetime away! We look like close to that in the pictures. It was such a fun weekend! Not the traveling, but the family time with all the generations of adults & kids! and of course, the food was fantastic! I plan on taking the time sometime Thurs. to stop amid all the craziness and remember it fondly!! Happy Thanksgiving to Family & Friends near & far!
