Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas with Jared & Hannah

Well kids both Jared and Hannah are very busy with their jobs, traveling back & forth from Raleigh and their new house...short story is Jared won't be setting up decorations this year but Hannah did!  I didn't want to leave them out so I have Hannah's tree from this year and Jared's from last year. 

Hopefully next year they will start some new traditions that will carry on for many years to come.

 Hannah's tree at her house in Raleigh!
Jared had outside lights on his current house

Jared's Tree 2012

Last year the weekend before Christmas we went to each of the kids houses to visit with them, eat lunch or dinner and enjoy some adult beverages!  Jared and Lee cooked Chef Boyardee pizza for favorite!!

Time to break out my sweater!


  1. Now the season is official...the SWEATER is out!! Nice pictures Jared and Hannah. Even Lee "likes" the sweater picture Henry :-)

  2. Nice tree Hannah!

    Jared have tinsel on his tree? I didn't even know they SOLD that anymore.

    I almost asked to borrow the sweater for our Ugly Sweater party but it had to be holiday related and I am not sure that thing is related to ANYTHING

  3. Looks like Lee wet his pants laughing.
