Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas with the Robertson's

Well Hagadorn kids this is Carol and thanks for letting me share some Christmas pictures with you.  I love the Christmas season but then again I love anything that involves my family, my friends and getting to spend time with them.

The picture below is my family...starting on the left is my son Tommy, his wife Jill, my daughter Jessica and her soon to be husband Brian.  Tommy & Jill live close to us in Decatur while Jessica & Brian live in downtown Chicago.  This picture was taken in Chicago while Christmas shopping.

This year after Thanksgiving dinner everyone started watching football so I decided to put the tree up.
Thanksgiving dinner

Jill made the candy cane door decoration

These are my cats...Charlie on the left and Chester on the right

This is my older cat Reggie

Thanks again for letting Joe and I share some pictures.  I hope all of you have a great holiday season and you get to spend a lot of time with your family and friends!


  1. Very nice decorations...and a sexy elf too! I am sure you gave Joe some great directions on where things go! Thanks for being a guest blogger and have a great holiday!

  2. Great Blog Carol - glad you shared so I could see your kids and your holidays. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!

  3. Great blog Carol. Now you are really part of the family. Loved all the decorations especially the candy cane on the door. Good job Jill. Nice to see all the different decorations and glad the Robertson's shared them with everyone. Have a very Merry Christmas in Decatur
