Thursday, April 18, 2013

Disney Week-Day 2

Well kids this trip was all about getting autographs.  I don't know why but each of you had an autograph book except Ryan...maybe he already out grew it.  So today you will see only the pictures with the Disney Characters.

More matching clothes??

Stephanie telling the Ninja Turtle that he wasn't so tough!!

Tony the tiger was getting a little frisky with your mother!


  1. great pictures..again from the #1Disney fan. What great memories you have. Hope all the kids are enjoying them.

  2. Nice collection. Are any of the books around anymore?? Lots of smiles, for sure, in this batch.

  3. Hey, what's up? Barb hugs a real tiger and you only get to stand next to a cardboard cutout of a princess. Great pictures and I don't think I've seen any of these before today.

    Did you notice how much Barb looked like her mother on the previous blog. Look again at her from the neck up.

  4. That wasn't a tiger, it was Tigger!!! Larry Jr. would know that if he ever read the blog! Haha! What fun times they were, I really do remember quite a bit! Sure you kids don't, but this will help. LOVE Disney!!! This was the first of 2 visits, the more innocent one to be sure!

  5. I am with You BARB - it was TIGGER.....not Tony the tiger....duhhhh
