Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Last Day of the NY visit

Well kids it was a great weekend but I am wore out!  We started the day meeting at Ryan & Dee's after 9:30 mass....ok well only your mother and grandmother went but I was going to go and she made me stay home to watch over the company!

Anyway Sandy, Donna and Mike have not been to their house so it was a nice quick visit and another chance to see Griffin.  As with all the kids houses everyone was very impressed with all your houses and hospitality. 


From there we were off to Sean & Taylor's for Hamburgers and Hot Dogs along with a visit from Larry, Grant and Eddie (Taylor's Dad in case someone doesn't remember him from the speech) but Vickie was sick and Jane was working so they couldn't make it.  BTW Eddie said that he was coming to wish your grandfather a Happy 75th but the truth is he just wanted to hold Griffin! 

I am not going to say much more because I am still trying to catch up on sleep and it is 9pm so I am ready to go to bed.  I will say that we want to thank all you kids for spending time with everyone, feeding everyone and a special thanks for the attention you gave to Uncle Mike...yes putting out the fires he started, the drinks he spilt, the corn hole he didn't know how to play, the "special" aroma he added to the rooms and for over flowing the hot tub....can't wait to have you back Mike!

Ryan, Dee and Griffin you were much appreciated for giving up Griffin time for everyone else.  I know he must have been worn out...I was thinking about the weekend and I thought that Griffin really didn't cry too much but then I wondered if that was really the case or was it because Sandy & Donna were just so loud that I didn't hear him??

Just kidding of course and we hope everyone had as good of a time as your mother and I did.  Can't wait to see you in....well never mind. 
Well we ended the weekend with a special treat...Donna made us watch Duck Dynasty...while we all complained the room was roaring when the guy started shooting the snake in the log...Mike tried to keep us up for the next episode which he said was the best one ever but we weren't buying it and went to bed...at 9:30!  
Thanks again for sharing some great times that made great memories. 

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you are tired Henry. I am tired reading all we did and yes thanks to you and Barb and all the kids for entertaining so well. It was a great weekend. Came home safe, happy but very tired but I still made Dad stay up until 11:30 to watch Fox News :-) Thanks all for a great time. Wouldn't surprise me if Mike came home and started making his corn hole game. Have a super day everyone. Dad is already out using his new leaf blower and I am headed to Wegmans to harass Mike a bit.
