Sunday, April 7, 2013

Happy 55th Birthday Barbara!!

Hope you have a great day...seems like we have been celebrating it for a week!

4th Lake 1981
Emerald Island 1981
One of your mother's favorite places in the world is Lake Gaston...this is 1999.  Not sure why she insisted on selling it since she loved going there so much??
Lake Gaston 2002
Family Picture 2004
Mom's 50th Birthday Party

Now a Grandma...with Griffin


  1. Happy Birthday Barb!!! Enjoy the day! Love You!

  2. Wow, I can't believe you pulled out and dusted off some of these pictures!! I sure did look better back in the day....just saying!
    Thanks for putting up for me for 32 birthdays, Henry and making each one unique!
    Elton John concert was quite a surprise!! Tons of fun! Even outside my genre it was great, but then live shows always are in our book!
    Love to everyone!!

  3. Barb, you look great in all your pictures! So happy Henry is treating you in the manner you deserve. Glad you enjoyed the concert. Hope your day and all the days ahead are wonderful. Enjoy! Happy double nickels! Love you!

  4. Happy Birthday Barbara..again!! Glad we chatted on our drive home. Sounds like you have had & are still having a fabulous birthday. OMG --I was only 43 in that are good with the photos Henry. You know Barb, the birthday goes the whole month so keep on celebrating & having fun. We Love You

    Henry & Lizzie
