Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Break 2002-The Sunset

Well Kids as you know when you are in the Keys with your mother you have to go watch the sunset.  Now I know that they all look the same and this could be a picture of Lake Gaston but it's not.  They do seem to be a little more spectacular down there.

Little did Jared know at that time that the Jeep would be his first car!

I know that you are thinking that these sunset pictures are out of order but that is the way they are numbered in my file so it has to be correct!

The look of disappointment once the sun goes down for the day.  Don't worry it didn't last for long, remember the blog a couple days ago...that's right once the sun goes down the wine comes out!


  1. I'll drink to Bahia Honda, sunsets, wine, family, any day!!

  2. Me too!! I'm ready - let's go! Oh, wait. It's getting to the humid time of year now. Let's wait just a bit and keep those memories going to keep us going until then.
