Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Break 1996-St. Augustine

Well kids as you saw earlier in 1996 we spent the week in St. Augustine with your Grandparents Clark at a KOA RV park.  We did several things around the area and had some beach time too. 

What you may not remember is (yes a history lesson is coming) 500 years ago (1513) this month Ponce de Leon was the first explorer to arrive in Florida and he was the one who named it Florida which means "Place of Flowers".  He was also in search of the Fountain of Youth which is located in St. Augustine.  While we didn't go there this trip I was there when I was a kid so now you know why I look so young!!

Today's pictures are from the RV park.

As you can see they had this little river running through the middle of the campground and the park had paddleboats that you could use.  Mom went with Sean & Stephanie while Ryan and Jared went together.  I watched from shore and took pictures.

This was not supposed to be bumper boats!

Jared trying to splash the other boat


  1. Leave it Jared to be causing trouble!!!

  2. No trouble, just "Jared fun",
    right Jared:-). You stick with me Jared.. I won't let them blame you. Looks like a lot of fun.
    Mom/Grandma H
