Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Break 2002-Kayaks and No Name Pub

Well kids one of the things that you all looked forward to was going kayaking.  Now you may ask yourself why I wasn't out there with you and it's not because I wanted to take the pictures.  See a year or two before this trip we went down and rented kayaks and we ended up going under the bridge out to sea.  Well the kayak I was in started to take on water and it was swaying to the left & right...well you guessed it over we went!  Right away I knew we were in trouble because it wouldn't be easy getting my 175lb body back in the kayak with Ryan in the Kayak too.  After several attempts I told your mother to have everyone head to shore and get help.  We had 3 kayaks so we loaded you kids up and off you guys went leaving me to swim along side pushing the kayak that was taking on water...did I mention that the night before they were showing the sharks in the water from a helicopter shot?

Anyway by the time the wildlife guys got to me I was almost at shore so I just swam in.  Well as they were helping us get situated one of them wasn't paying attention and stepped between the dock and wall and went right into the water...uniform, gun, boots and everything. 

Obviously all 6 of us survived and we had plenty of laughs about it after I drank a half gallon of CC that night.  So to finish my story that is why you don't see me out in 2002 nor will you see me out ever again...and this certainly won't be on the bucket list!!!!


One of our favorite things to do was eat at the No Name Pub.  As you can see in the pictures below there are dollar bills attached to all the walls and ceilings.  They had great pizza and it was always on our list of things to do when we were there...sometimes twice!  We all ended up with t-shirts and if anyone is down there I need a new one...grey and XXL...I have grown a little since my 175lb Kayaking days!  By the way No Name Pub should be on your bucket list

The boys saw this car in the parking lot and were amazed...lots of pictures and talk that when they had money they were going to buy one just like it.


  1. The one picture Sean looks like he is trying to get a suntan rather than paddle and content to let Mom do it for him..lol
    I thought about trying it in the DR but then watched people trying to get over the waves and get started and I said FORGET IT!!!

  2. I remember you adventure kayaking very well. Which year did you rent the pontoon boat? That adventure turned out better as I remember it.

    The No Name Pub is still there and going strong. It is a mecca for anyone in the Big Pine Key area and the Middle Keys. I'll get you a shirt when we go down there next time.

  3. You sure have had a interesting life with your family. Nice to see the pictures of all the great things you have done.


  4. I love these posts lately, LOVE, LOVE the Keys! but, Henry you have it wrong a bit with the Kayaking story....Stephanie was with you, Ryan by himself, Sean & I in a 2 seat boat like you and Stephanie, but we had Jared along for the ride...no oars! When you capsized, Stephanie panicked, I didn't believe you really were taking on water and enjoying the scenery of dolphins in the not to distant water, and we all had to have a reality check. Ryan "towed" Stephanie in as it would only hold her, and you swam behind pushing the kayak as he towed it. Sean & I hightailed it to shore for help. We got there in time to flag down the Wildlife Officer and he proceeded to have one calamity after another concluding with you ending up back before he could rescue you and then we ALL got to see him fall into the water between the dock & his boat full clothed! What a day. I STILL LOVE Kayaking, but I can see why it's not your favorite thing.
    NO NAME PUB was the greatest hangout in the keys....even beat Duvall St. did I mention I LOVE THE KEYS?
