Thursday, July 4, 2013

A day at the beach-1986

Well kids in 1986 we lived in Virginia Beach and the ocean was about 15 miles from our house.  Now the first couple years that we lived there your mother and I went to the beach all the time but as the years went on it was less and less.  I am not even sure if I went the last couple of years we lived there.
Anyway today's POD shows a day that we went in 1986.  Although we lived in Virginia Beach we preferred to go to a beach called Sandbridge.  Back then the locals mostly went to Sandbridge and it wasn't as crowded...for the most part!
Since Sean and Jared weren't even born in 1986 it was just Ryan (21/2), Stephanie (7 months), your mother (28), Grandpa Hagadorn (48), Grandma Hagadorn (49) and me (26).  Going to the beach back then was a pens, coolers, diaper bags, floats and so on but I guess now that I look back on it, it was all worth it.


  1. Happy 4th Everyone. I do remember Sandbridge and all the fun we had there. Ryan and Stephanie loved the ocean & probably still do.
    We on the other hand, went to lakes. As you recall though, the lakes were pretty cold at times. Fun days

  2. WOW - I am pretty sure that Dad hasn't shown those legs sun probably since then!! The pictures make me want to go to the beach!
    Have a great 4th
