Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shawn's New Hobby

Well kids we can all say what we want but deep down we all really wish we could do some of the fun things that Shawn does.  His latest new hobby is racing riding lawn mowers!

I think he really makes a lot of money doing this...ok he makes zero...but he is having fun.  Last weekend they went to Galax, VA to race with another couple.  From what I understand from Stephanie it is required that you also have to stay in the sleaziest hotel in town.  I think she said that all the racers stay at the same hotel so they can bond at night??

Anyway it sounds like a lot of fun but from the little bit that Shawn has told me it is not for the family that doesn't have money to burn!!  I can't wait till the race is a little closer because sleeping in my own bed is way better then the hotels they are describing.  Oh by the way Stephanie said since she was going this weekend the hotel choices would change and you can see below the place that they stayed at in Galax.

Stephanie's Hotel

Shawn and his racing mower
Practice laps?
Track is off to the left

Video of Shawn's race


  1. I LOVE SHAWN - BUT I would NOT want to camp or stay in a nasty hotel. I will go with Steph to the NICE place and get Pedi's.....

  2. That grandson of ours sure knows how to have fun and good for you are important :-)
