Monday, July 29, 2013

Visit to Maine Part 2

Well kids after the boat ride we headed back to the house for a cookout.  Chris had some snacks and beverages ready for us when we arrived. 

A while back they added on a big 2 car garage with a bonus room over it then a couple years ago they added another garage on the back of it.  Ted falls in that category of "the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys"!  The garages were built to house his 2012 Harley Electra Glide, 1970 Chevelle, 2001 Beamer 5 series, 2011 GMC Pickup truck and his Mazda Miata which is really supposed to be Chris's car but Ted seems to drive it the most.


So while chatting over a couple cocktails back at the house we realized that people were probably talking about us from the boat...2 guys by themselves on a boat tour, asking a woman to take their picture together at the bow and then we climbed into a Mazda Miata as we drove away...our gaydar was off the charts I'm sure!!! 

Any way it was a lot of fun looking at all of Ted's things and he did a nice job setting up the garages.

I found this picture on Ted's work bench...Chris never told me that she was Miss Maine!

After the house tour they cooked up some burgers with all the trimmings.  I had a 8pm departure time since I still had a 2 hour ride back to the hotel and was rolling out of the driveway at 7:55! 

Great food, great company and great fun...thanks again Ted & Chris!

1 comment:

  1. We all knew Kris was a beauty:-) a gorgeous Miss Maine!! Sounds like Ted kept you occupied with his toys. No wonder you are so happy Ted. Kris is such a sport to let you do all that :-)
