Monday, October 7, 2013

Chicago-Carol & Joe's House

Well kids after spending the afternoon with the Clark Clan we drove over to Carol's house in Decatur, IL which was about a 1 hour ride.  Carol was waiting on the front porch to greet us and was very excited we were coming.

Not all these pictures are in order but you will get the point.  Tommy is their son who lives about a mile away and his wife is Jill.  Carol & Joe's daughter Jessica lives in downtown Chicago so we didn't get to see her.

Jill, Tommy, Carol, me, Joe...eating dinner on their back porch
This is actually Tommy & Jill's dog
After dinner we rode over to Tommy & Jill's house to see it.  This is out back
They have a great house with a big backyard and this cool fireplace
This is a fountain in downtown Decatur...this area was just recently redone
Dell's popcorn shop is world famous...ok well maybe just Decatur famous but it was good.

 Everyone that noticed my beard loved it and wanted to touch it the problem was no one noticed it!!  At this point it was 9 days old.
Crawford's was an old building that one of Tommy's friends remodeled into a restaurant and another one of his friends owns the restaurant.  Great place with lots of TV's and good pizza!

Carol's car

Carol and Joe's house


  1. Carol looks like she has a great family and a beautiful home. Its great you guys got to see each other!

  2. So glad you finally got to visit with Carol and Joe, one of our favorite "Henry & Barb's friends couple". Hope you get the drift of what I mean. Beautiful home and great friends. Looks like you all had a super time. I am sure it flew by. Good times do that.
