Thursday, October 24, 2013

Welcome to SeaWorld

Well kids as you know in 1994 we took you on a week long trip to have already seen the Disney pictures so I thought I would show you the SeaWorld and Universal ones today and tomorrow.

We only spent one day in SeaWorld but we could have easily spent two mostly because right off the bat you found this giant boat that had squirt guns and water cannons and it took us forever to get you to come down to see the rest of the sites!

From there it was off to watch the water skiing shows!
Look close there is a guy in red pants flying threw the air

 This guy has a giant water soaker

Everyone always loves the seals
The whale and dolphin shows are always a crowd favorite too!  When you sit down they have several warnings about "wet zones" but they also come over the loud speaker and say that they will be filming each of the shows and that they may use some of the footage for promotional use so if you are supposed to be at work or you are here with someone you are not supposed to be with don't sit in this section! 

All of you thought it was just the coolest thing to get soaked by the whale splashes


Fish petting tank
Certainly a fun day and worthy of the Bucket List but just remember if your kids turn out like you guys plan on spending 2 days in SeaWorld!

1 comment:

  1. Definetly should be on everyone's bucket list. Great fun place and your pictures show it all.
