Sunday, November 3, 2013

Guest Blogger-Stephanie & Shawn's trip to Florida

Hello Everyone!!!  This is Stephanie and I wanted to share our trip to Tampa for our 3rd Anniversary!!!!  We both love to travel and we love Dave so it only made sense to go see him again.  The first time we went down there we went on a cruise and only had a few days with him so this time it was much longer and we had a lot of quality bonding time!!!  
How about that perfect weather!!!!

It was a long trip (not as bad as Jared and Hannah's though!!!) and thank god for Starbucks otherwise I would not have made it.  We left after work and drove to Jacksonville, FL where we stayed the night.

The next morning we got up bright and early (Hunny was so excited to see his Dave) and hit the road.  This wasn't a bad idea as we were there in like 3 hours which was much better than driving the whole way.  I decided early on that I wanted to move there and tried to convince Hunny the whole time (no worries we are back in Charlotte...for now).  We grabbed lunch and then Dave took us all around town...really rubbing in how he lives in paradise.
He took us to the Sponge Docks and then we grabbed a beer on the water!!!  

This restaurant has a thing where you flip a coin to see who will buy the or them.  We flipped and we won 2 free beers!!!
Gail had to work that day so when she got home they took us to an awesome restaurant and we ate dinner at a picnic table with our toes in the sand and listened to live music.

 Then it was off to bed as we had a big fishing day planned!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You Charlotte grandchildren really know how to live. Great pictures...makes me want to go to FL!! Don't you just love the sponge docks. One of my favorite spots....Grandpa not so much as he is afraid I will spend money :-) I assume you have more to come so we can see the fishing pictures. Nice blog from both you and Hannah
