Monday, November 4, 2013

Guest Blogger-Stephanie and Shawn's trip to Floriday-The Boat

Hello Again!!!

I wanted to share Dave & Gail's boat along with the fishing we did.  I would love to tell you about the huge grouper we caught however that just didn't happen.  We did catch some nasty looking fish but decided against eating it and put it back.

Don't you LOVE Shawn's shoes...I feel a Christmas present in his future

Our Captain and Co-Captain ( I won't tell you who is who)

Getting the hook ready.  We went to this tri pod thing in the middle of the ocean and caught a bunch of bait fish (some of us caught the most) then went way out to try and catch the big fish.

Do you see the shoreline?  We were way out there!
This would be the only thing we caught.  We saw lots of Sharks, Grouper and Jelly Fish but they just kept moving on...not interested in us at all.

A great day on the water and a ton of fun!


  1. Nice blogs and pics. That blue water really looks inviting! Sounds like you had a great time and may even want to repeat it again. Shades of the Keys!.

  2. Great pictures of everyone...except the fish :-( Looks like you had a super time. Cant wait to see their boat. We have seen pictures but would like to see it in person. So glad you had a good time with them.
