Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Guest Blogger-Stephanie & Shawn's trip to Florida-The Island

Good Morning my brothers!

So I did want to mention that I totally didn't do this blog in the correct order but by occasion so today's item is the most amazing island that Dave and Gail go to.  Hunny and Dave needed some alone time to fish so they dropped Gail and I off at this island that was amazing.  They get to go there all the time because they live in paradise... where we should all be living.  At first we had the whole island to ourselves which was wonderful!!!

This was the last bottle of our favorite wine.  This day also happened to be our Anniversary so we shared it on the beach. 

While the boys were off trying to catch a giant grouper, Gail and I decided to walk around the island.  It didn't look that big...well that was a big mistake as it was huge and it took hours to get all the way around it.  Then just when we were about to get back we noticed that the beach was moving.  We stumbled across the migration of the crabs that only happens once every 100 years.  I heard about this on National Geographic once and it is very uncommon to witness so we took pictures and called Nat Geo and sold the story for $5 million dollars and now we are rich.  I am sharing some never before seen photos below.

If you look closely you can see the thousands of crabs that were coming out of the water.  It was very scary and we were lucky to have made it out alive!!



  1. So you got crabs for your anniversary....nice gift.

    Looks like you had a great time!

  2. Now that you are RICH, don't forget all your wonderful and loving family :-) Looks like you had a wonderful time and what more can you and Hunny ask for than to be on a island for your anniversary polishing off the last bottle of wine with your favorite FL uncle . No wonder we love our grandchildren.

  3. After reading this story, I think it is time for you to go to confession. From your NY Grandpa
