Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Guest Blogger-Stephanie & Shawn's trip to Florida-Sky Diving!

Well brothers, as you know Shawn and I have been talking about going skydiving for as long as I can remember.  So this year we decided why not.  We updated our life insurance and booked our excursion.

 They told us there would be a class and then we would just jump (or fall).  So this so called class lasted about 5 minutes while they were suiting up.

 After we were suited up it was off we go!!!

I swear I was more afraid of that awful plane then I was of jumping out of the way I am that tiny pink dot!!
All you do is lift your legs and you plop right down on your bottom for a nice landing!!!!  We survived no broken bones and no life insurance pay out!!!!

If you would like to watch the video your can go to you tube and search "Steph and Shawn skydiving"  or you can go to Dave's page parahag and it's on there. Warning though there is a little bit of strong language used.  *Watch at your own risk*

It was a wonderful vacation and I am still trying to convince Hunny to move down there!!!  Thanks again Dave and Gail for all you did for us...we had a blast!


  1. You are one brave girl going sky diving. Just think, you went down into the Mammoth Cave, Parasailing and now jumped out of a plane. Now your brothers have their work cut out for them to keep up with you. Do you think they are up to it? We know how Jared feels about parasailing. LOL

    I enjoyed your ghost blogging the past few days. Keep it up,

  2. Another great guest blog Steph and looks like you had a fantastic sky diving jump. Glad you finally got to do it. I am sure Dave and Gail had fun watching you. Enjoyed your FL trip via the POD.

  3. Well, Stephanie, I'm glad you've had your "skydiving fix"! And relieved it's over, BUT, I'm worried about the next thrill seeking event you're going to muster up! Me, personally, I'd like the boat, water, island, fishing, sun JUST FINE! Thanks for the recap of such a fun week with Dave & Gail!!
