Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Well kids this wasn't a very relaxing Thanksgiving like normal.  As you now know we have been doing some remodeling at the house and we were still working on putting everything back together so while I worked all morning/early afternoon putting stuff back your mother was cooking and helping get reorganized!

Ryan had Griffin from 8-2pm so he was here early and then came back for dinner, Jared came over about 1:15 and the rest of you showed up just before 4pm.  As usual it then becomes a mad house of eating, drinking and catching up on things...oh by the way Melinda and I made up and she is now talking to me again!

Griffin helping Gramib cook

A quick Thanksgiving story...we are in the process of changing out the front railings and the ones going up the stairs were falling down so I thought I would burn them Thanksgiving morning and then keep an outdoor fire going throughout the day.  Well Grandpa Clark found some old lighter fluid and gave it to me over the summer..."this is old so I'm not sure if it will work"...oh it still had plenty of juice but when I squished the container it was so old it broke and sprayed lighter fluid all over me and Ryan!  I thought Ryan was going to wet his pants laughing at me.  The fluid worked great and I was able to burn all the wood.

One other minor problem...the dishwasher wasn't working but handyman Robert looked underneath and figured out that they hadn't turned the water back on going to the dishwasher when they put the new sink in...quick fix and we were back doing the dishes.

We ended up with all four of you kids, Taylor, Shawn, Shelton (Shawn's brother) Robert & Melinda for a nice dinner with great food, great conversation, a few adult beverages, tons of leftovers and a big mess! 


  1. Things I am thankful for....1) That is was Ryan and not me that was helping you burn stuff. 2) That I am crippled and I just sat and ate while everyone else cooked and cleaned up. 3) That you aren't the kind of guy that has the crack of your butt hanging out of your pants cause that would have made the last picture really bad!!!

    Actually those are the kind of thanksgivings that memories are made and laughed at.
    BTW - what did you do to Melinda that she was mad at you?????

  2. I was wondering the same thing....fill us in Melinda. You had a awesome Thanksgiving Day and truthfully your house is never ever dull when all your family is there. Sounds like a great day and what I can see of the kitchen looks awesome. Love the new change. I am jealous. Can't wait to get down there and see it. Headed out to get a few Christmas things but not to the mall. Sandy said it was busy all day despite some of the stores being open on Thanksgiving. My first stop is Family Dollar!!!

  3. The important thing is: if you had a excess of adult beverages, that you didn't sign anything. Or, do something after all the beverages to make Melinda mad.

    I agree with Sandy on point 3 above. Also, maybe we could have seen in the dishwasher area if you could have moved over about 3 ft.

    Glad you all got together for Thanksgiving and had a great time. Great memories.
