Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Good Luck Grandpa Clark-Guest Blogger Grandma Clark

As you already know, Dad, Grandpa & Larry Sr. made it through his knee surgery well, although it took three hours rather than the routine two.  The doctor said he had to do some more work on him, including shave his thigh bone a bit to compensate for the angle and in order to get him to a point he will be able to straighten his knee after the PT.
He was in a lot of pain, though, and "the special button" became his new very best friend.  That's ok for tomorrow they take it away from him.  His vitals were good and he was on the motion machine up to 95 degrees.  He'll be on it once more tonight.  The goal is 110 degrees.
Since he was catching as many cat naps as he could and sleeping in between, I left early.  There were two incidents on the way home and instead of taking 25 minutes, it took just over an hour.
Hopefully in about 6 weeks he will now have two good knees and he is looking forward to hiking the trails, riding his bike, going to football games with seats in row 50 but mostly being able to get out of the car and go shopping with me!  I will keep everyone posted on his progress.


  1. Glad he is doing well and hope everything continues that way for him! Good luck to YOU in taking care of him.

  2. Great news Gerry. Tell Larry we are thinking of him and glad the surgery is now behind him. Hope the PT goes well.

  3. We hope Larry continues to do well. We are thinking of both of you and sending well wishes.
    Love, Tom & Darlene
