Monday, December 2, 2013

New Floors

Well kids as you know Rita has decided that the dining room floor is her place to use for a bathroom.  The smell got so bad that we decided that we would cut out two main strips of the carpet and just leave the bare wood for now...while at first that seemed to help with the smell it didn't stop Rita and then the smell got worse.  It was at the point that when we sat in the family room we could still smell it.

We decided that we would change it out and we had intentions of putting laminates in.  I thought that with the help of the boys we could do this on our own and it would be cheaper.  Well again we talked to several companies and looked at the retail stores and decided that we wanted to go with hardwoods instead.  You may have seen the commercials for "50floors" on TV and that is who we used.  So far we are very pleased with it.

Of course this meant yet another big mess in the house and a severe outbreak of OCD. 

Black felt under the wood to reduce the noise

They did a good job alternating the size boards and the seams


As you can see we left the front hallway with the original hardwoods which are a lighter color...I was a little hesitant about this but your mother thought it would look good.  Once it was done I was sure that I was right and we should have done the hall too but now that it has been done for a couple weeks I am getting used to it and I'm at the 70/30 mark now that it looks ok.  Everyone that has seen it says that they like it the way it is so they are either being very polite or they are great liars!
Anyway that is it for the remodeling...we have to do some painting where the new stuff didn't quite line up with the old stuff along with the front railings.  Once those things are done it's back to the couch for the winter!!


  1. Looks great and I bet your OCD was operational and in full mode. LOL

    Off to the hospital for knee replacement here at 5am.. OP scheduled for 7:30am. What an un Godly hour to be awake unless it is from the night before.

    1. It is now 11:50 so hopefully the surgery is done and all is well Larry. I agree ungodly hour to be up. We have had a few of those days lately with Sandy's surgery and follow up doctor appointments. Have Gerry let me know how you are

  2. I think the floors look very nice!! They do make MEDS for OCD ya know.....

  3. I take plenty of medicine for my's call Bud Light and if it really acts up I have a stronger dose called Canadian Club!

  4. Barbara, how did you survive all that OCD time. Must have cost you a fortune for all that Bud Light:-) Hope you didn't have to dig into the CC!! Place looks fabulous. Can't wait to see it. No more remolding until next year...I don't think I cold cope with OCD Henry as my water would not cover the problem. Love the new look.

  5. Henry you are a typical salesman. Look at the before Dining Room picture, dark, dingy, clutter all over the room and two big holes in the rug. Now look at the after picture of the DR, bright, clutter free and no holes in the rug. This reminds me of the TV face lift commercials. The woman looks 80 before and 50 after. You both must use the same photo shop!!

    You said you had to do some touch up painting along the railings. Did you replace the outside railings?
